Trading Account FAQs
How do I send/add additional funds to my futures account?
- To send additional funds, please log into your account in your Client Portal and select “Make an Investment” from the quick links on the “Home” page.
- After selecting the account you are looking to invest with, select "Trading Account", and provide the requested information.
- After submitting the request, you'll be sent to the “Pending Client Approval” screen.
- Here you will need to review and approve the transaction.
- Once the request is submitted to Equity Trust, the funds should be issued within 1-2 business days after the funds are available.
How do I withdraw funds from my futures/forex account?
To withdraw funds, log onto your Client Portal and request a "Trading Account Withdrawal" from the Quick Links so we can bring what is in the futures/forex account back into cash at Equity Trust. Please make sure the requested amount is available in cash before making the request.
Cryptocurrency FAQs
How can I invest in cryptocurrency in my IRA?
There are several ways to participate in the world of cryptocurrency trading using IRA funds. You can:
- open a traditional brokerage account where Bitcoin ETFs allow you to hold a basket of Bitcoin and related crypto assets on your brokerage platform like stocks,
- open a cryptocurreny trading platform to buy, sell, hold any of a handful of popular coins without having the physical coins to store (we have two vendors offering trading accounts for this approach), or
- establish an LLC in your Equity Trust IRA and add an Exchange/Wallet to your investments to buy, sell, borrow, loan, etc a full array of coins.
How do I withdraw funds from my futures/forex account?
To withdraw funds, log onto your Client Portal and request a "Trading Account Withdrawal" from the Quick Links so we can bring what is in the futures/forex account back into cash at Equity Trust. Please make sure the requested amount is available in cash before making the request.