Document Custody Solution
With an online tool offering always-on access
What is document custody?
The review, safekeeping, and reporting of both physical and electronic documents. A custodian certifies the complete and accurate representation of the documents within its control.
Document Custody Offers
Physical custody of original documents (i.e., stock certificate)
No re-registration of assets
No cash custody or payment processing
Secure Online access
24/7 online support
What is the custody rule?
The custody rule requires an adviser that has custody of client assets to maintain those assets with a "qualified custodian" such as a bank, broker-dealer, or futures commission merchant, and to have a reasonable basis for believing the custodian sends quarterly account statements
When does the Custody Rule apply?
- The adviser have possession of client funds or securities (for any length of time).
- The adviser withdraw funds or securities on behalf of the client.
- The adviser deduct certain fees on behalf of the client.
- The adviser have legal ownership of, or access to, client funds or securities.
- A related person have custody over the client’s funds or securities.
Custody Rule requirements
- Maintain funds with a qualified custodian.
- Keep client funds segregated in separate accounts for each client in the client’s name (or in an account containing only funds of the adviser’s clients under the adviser’s name as agent/trustee).
- Promptly notify the client whenever a new account is opened with a qualified custodian. The notice must be in writing, include the qualified custodian’s name, address and the manner in which funds/securities are maintained.
- Have reasonable belief that the custodian is sending statements to the clients. These account statements must be sent at least quarterly by the qualified custodian directly to the client including the amount of funds and of each security at quarter end as well as a list of all account transactions during the statement period.
Oversight of the documents and participants within your Vault
On-demand visibility of your documents and participants at the ready.
Spans Asset Classes
Our services span asset classes as we serve a multitude of types of document management needs.
No password needed
As part of our new higher security standards, we use a key system rather than a password to provide you secure access.
Team Support
This system in conjunction with our knowledgeable team is like a full back office suite at the ready.
Fund Documents Secured
Our systems are built to the highest standards of security to protect your information as well as your subscribers'.
Easily manage and update participant data.
List of which documents we are holding
Initiate and submit vault movement online
View records of vault movements
View Images of documents in real time. When you can easily access your statements, you are always up to date.
Why Us?
We were founded in 1994. Back then, we serviced investors as both an accounting firm and a 1031 exchange intermediary. In 2002, we opened our first self-directed retirement account and over the years began offering custody services as well as incorporation services.
Today, we proudly offer a wide array of investor services to investors and investment professionals nationwide.
Will my participants have access to this portal?
No, the fund manager will have access to the portal, and the participant will receive a statement each quarter.
Can I update my Fair Market Value inside the Custody Portal
With Document Custody we can only list the Cost Basis.
What improvement does the Custody Portal provide?
Our recent updates allow you to save time and improve record management. Fund managers will be able to process requests at any time and easily view their account activity.
If you're looking for a back office solution for document custody, get in touch with one of our specialists today!