How do I pay a bill?

To submit a bill payment request to us, please login at:

From your online portal: 

  1. Click on the "Pay a Bill" orange button on the right side of your Home Screen.
  2. Use the drop-down menu under “Related Asset” to choose the holding related to the bill payment you are requesting
  3. Choose a Bill Payment Type and Expense Type
  4. Enter the dollar amount you wish for us to pay
  5. Choose a Delivery Method and enter the delivery instructions
  6. Enter a Payment Memo (invoice number, account number, parcel number, etc.)
  7. Choose a Frequency (one-time or recurring)
  8. Click Next Page to Confirm and you will be brought to a new page to review the bill payment once more. If the bill payment is over $5,000.00, please include the invoice.
  9. Click Submit to submit bill payment for processing.

Once you have submitted the bill payment request to us, it will be reviewed and processed. You may review your bill payment under Pending Transactions on the Home screen. If you need to fund the account, please give our office a call for more assistance.